
A huge warm welcome!! I’m thrilled my studio doors are wide open to welcome you.
My focus is hugely on People and that is where my multifaceted work unites.

Working with people, working towards a positive and creative outcome, whether it’d be through photography, in health and wellbeing, as a coach or consultant. My business is about People, People, People. Facilitating and connecting.

Working together, identifying and mapping out how to achieve the best outcome for you as my client.
These best results are going to be achieved with trust, high energy, direction and depth.

Looking forward to connect with you, excited to have you here – Let’s get started!

On of my favourite quotes (Phil Knight NIKE founder)

When you make something,
when you improve something,
when you deliver something,
when you add some new thing or service to the lives of strangers,
making them happier or healthier, or safer, or better,
and when you do it all crisply and efficiently, smartly,
the way everything should be done but so seldom is –
you’re participating more fully in the whole grand human drama.
More than simply alive, you’re helping others to live more fully,
and if that’s business, all right, call me a businesswoman!*